Thursday, September 29, 2011

Amazing Pack!

Hi! Yesterday when I arrive home I find myself whit a big package whit my name on it. From were? Low-Ebre, Spain. From who? Josep Sabaté and Genís Panisello. Content - a magazine whit Tortosa Festival, 2 packages of chocolate from Tortosa (to make hot chocolate), catalan coockies, a "specie" of fries, a package of rice (that was what as made me laugh more) a very nice olive oil, and wine from "Terra Alta" ("High Ground").

Whit this amazing surprise I've get incredibly glad and happy and I've thought - "this that Josep and Genís and I are doing is the true point of comenius".

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pedro,glad you met/invited the two Catalan guys in Portugal this summer! I absolutely agree with you, this is the true aim of this projet, to promote bounds among the students in the project and open your mind to the rest of the world! Have fun, Salomé
